
Plug dj bot writed in node.js with commands for Yugoslavia Balkan Music

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Plug dj bot writed in node.js with commands


Command Name Arguments Description Minimum Rank
match <@username> Love Calculator User
dare <@username> Play truth & dare game with others User
truth <@username> Play truth & dare game with others User
startroulette null Manually start roulette. Menager
endroulette null If roulette is started use this to end it manually. Menager
fortunecookie null Open your fortunecookie.  
8ball <any text> Asks the Magic 8 Ball a question.  
about   Displays bot’s “about” message.  
afktime [@username\|#userID] Returns the amount of time a user has been inactive. Gets your own info if no valid argument.  
anagram <7-30 character string> Returns an anagram of the given word(s), retrieved from  
blacklist <blacklist name> <add//remove\|rem> <youtube\|yt\|1//soundcloud\|sc\|2> <video ID//track ID> Adds or removes songs to/from a given blacklist. Manager
blacklists   Returns list of valid blacklist names to be used with the blacklist command.  
commands   Lists active commands and amount of inactive commands.  
dc   Places you back into the waitlist at your old position ONLY IF you were disconnected while waiting.Must be undefined since disconnecting.  
dclookup [@username\|userID] Returns a user’s last disconnect time and position. Use their ID if they are not present in the room.  
love <@username> Show someone how much you love him/them.!  
cookie <@username> Give someone a cookie!  
disable <command name> Disable a command. Manager
enable <command name> Enable a command. Manager
english <@username> Notify a user in their language to speak English if it is required. Bouncer
kick @username Bans a user from the room and unbans them 2.5 seconds later, simulating a kick. Manager
gif <tags> Grabs a random image from Giphy with the given tags. 2s cooldown.  
help <chat command name> Returns the description of a command.  
jointime [@username\|#userID] Returns amount of time since the given user entered the room. Gets your own info if no valid argument.  
link   Returns the link of the song currently playing.  
props   Show some appreciation for the DJ!  
roll [<1-10>\|<1-20d1-999999999>] Returns a random number with given amount of digits, or rolls dice. Default: 2 digits.  
seentime [@username\|#userID] Returns the total amount of time a user has been seen in the room. Gets your own info if no valid argument.  
set <option> <value> Sets a bot option to the given value. If no value is given, returns the current value of it. List of valid options: Manager
shots, shot [@username] Buy a random shot for a user!  
skip [reason] Skips current song with optional reason, if valid. Bouncer
skipreasons   Lists reasons that can be used with !skip. Bouncer
stats [@username\|#userID] Returns the user’s recorded amount of plays and votes received. Gets your own info if no valid argument.  
swap @user1 @user2 Swaps positions of two users in the waitlist. At least one must be in the waitlist. Manager
trigger   Returns current trigger of the bot. This can be called with any valid trigger character.  
uptime   Returns uptime of this bot.  

set <command> <option>

Command Option Description
autoWoot true | false If true, automatically woots when a new song is played.
welcomeUsers true | false If true, welcomes users joining the room.
chatDeleteTriggerMessages true | false If true, deletes messages beginning with the bot's trigger.
chatDeleteResponses true | false If true, deletes responses to !afkdisable and !joindisable.
announcementInterval Number (MILLISECONDS) Amount of time between announcements in MILLISECONDS, must be above 5000. Default is 1800000 (30 minutes). Will restart the timer when this is changed.
announcementRandom true | false If true, selects random announcements to send. If false, sends them in the order they are listed.
sendAnnouncements true | false If true, sends announcements.
useMessageCommands true | false If true, allows message commands to be used (such as shuffle, fav, rules, theme, etc)
doAFKCheck true | false If true, checks for AFK users on the waitlist and removes them.
doRoulette true | false If true, begins a roulette every hour.
doAutoDisable true | false If true, sends the “!afkdisable” and “!joindisable” messages every hour.
autoStuckSkip true | false If true, checks to see if a song is playing 60 seconds past its actual length and skips it if it is.
doSkipCheck true | false If true, checks to see if a song should be skipped based on history/blacklist/etc. Will NOT skip the song, but is required to be true for doAutoSkip to work.
doAutoSkip true | false If true, autoskips songs if they are found in history/blacklists/etc. Requires doSkipCheck to be true.
hostBypassAutoSkip true | false If true, the host of the room can bypass autoskip conditions unless the song is unavailable.
sendMOTD true | false If true, sends the MOTD.
motdInterval Number (MILLISECONDS) Amount of time between MOTD messages in MILLISECONDS, must be above 5000. Default is 1800000 (30 minutes). Restarts the timer if changed.
motd string The MOTD message.